We design and manufacture lifts to suit your exact requirements. Contact us today and speak to one of our friendly engineers.
DeSeM Lifts Working With …


Goods & Passenger
Manufacturers of medium and large capacity ‘sturdy’ bespoke & reliable but well-appointed Lifts, which can carry pay loads in the form of many passengers per trip or large accompanied loads.

Goods Only
Whether big or small, heavy or light with load capacities ranging from 1,000kg to 15,000kg and a range of car sizes from 1.2m x 1.5m to 6.0m x 6.0m and up to 3.0m tall, while only requiring a minimal head & pit room and can be suitable for FLT loading.

Our passenger lift options cover a wide range of loads, sizes, speeds, applications and Corporate Colours complete with extremely varied finishes and visual possibilities. We enjoy providing full car width doors in either Manual or Automatic options.
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Lift Servicing
DeSeM can provide a proactive annual professional service regime for our own and other manufacturers equipments are preogrammed and monitored using our own lift engineering extensive database.
Lift Refurbishments
DeSeM offer a quality competative refurbishment of any medium to large Lift whether its one of our own orginal supplies or any other manufacturers equipment in including CAN bus systems and closed access systems.
Lift Breakdowns
DeSeM offer an around the clock, 365 days a year, National fast response service at very reasonable rates, often advising on LOLER reports and recommendations. Resealing hydraulic rams & systems as a specialitity.